Full names, types, coordinates of all 81 NEON sites.



A data frame with the following columns:

  • Site Name: Full site name.

  • siteID: NEON site code.

  • Domain Name: Full domain name.

  • domainID: Unique identifier of the NEON domain.

  • State: The state name of the site locates in.

  • Latitude: Latitide of the site (in decimal degrees, WGS84).

  • Longitude: Longitude of the site (in decimal degrees, WGS84).

  • Site Type: The type of the site (e.g. Core Terrestrial).

  • Site Subtype: Second level site type, for aquatic sites only (e.g. Lake, Wadeable Stream, Non-wadeable River).

  • Site Host: Host organization of the site.