This data frame was put together from each data product.



A data frame with the following columns:

  • taxon_id: Species code, based on one or more sources. For algae, macroinvertebrate, and tick, this is from the acceptedTaxonID column (which was removed here) so that all taxonomic groups have the same variable name. In another word, algae, macroinvertebrate, and tick only have acceptedTaxonID and we just renamed it to taxon_id for these groups following other groups.

  • taxon_name: Scientific name, associated with the taxonID. This is the name of the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined.

  • taxon_rank: The lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined for the individual or specimen.

  • taxon_group: The taxonomic group that the location information can be used for. Note that some taxa groups may have the same 'plotID' but their latitude/longitude may differ slightly, which justifies the need of this column.


Some taxonomic groups used taxonID (renamed as taxon_id here) in the data product while other groups used acceptedTaxonID. In addition, all data were from NEON and we did not do extra clean up.